If you wish to be included in the directory please contact us on

+421 48 4125 633

Contact informations

Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora, Banskobystrická regionálna komora

  • Address: Nám. Š. Moysesa 4, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
  • Contact: Ing. Marína Spírová, PhD.
  • E-mail: marina.spirova@sopk.sk
  • Web: http://bb.sopk.sk/

Contact form

If necessary, please send us a link using the following form. All fields are required.

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What is the content of this directory?

This directory provides a selection of R&D infrastructure and innovation services providers in the Slovak regions of Banska Bystrica and Košice and Hungarian counties Nograd, Heves and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén categorised according to the research fields.

Can I apply to be included in the directory?

Yes, request for including a new provider of R&D infrastructure or innovation services from above mentioned regions in the directory can be done by phone or through contact e-mail. 

Is directory placement charged?

No, including new providers of R&D infrastructure or innovation services in the directory is free of charge as the project is co-financed from European Regional Development Fund.
