Type of services provided
- capture and basic analysis of histologic/cytological samples using confocal microscope
- capture and basic analysis of histologic/cytological samples using fluorescent microscope
- capture and basic analysis of histologic/cytological samples using brightfield microscope
- processing of histologic and cytological sampes for brightfield, widefield and confocal microscopy
- processing of samples for flow cytometer and cell sorter
- measuring, sorting and analysis of samples (cell suspension) using flow cytometer/cell sorter
Research infrastructure/service category
- confocal microscope Leica TCS SP5 X equipped with white and argon lasers, 3 detectors and fully motorized movement in X, Y and Z axis
- inverted fluorescent microscope Leica DMB 6000
- flow cytometer/sorter BD FACSAria II SORP equipped with 4 lasers (UV, violet, blue, red) and 16 detectors
- flow cytometer BD FACSCAlibur equipped with blue laser and 3 detectors