Type of services provided
- Evaluation of biofuels quality (calorific value, moisture, combustion heat, ash content, granulometric analysis)
- Advisory and education activities in the field of integrated harvesting and transport technologies in forestry, Cable Cranes in Forestry
- Elaboration of marketing analysis for timber trade
- phone and computer supported surveys
- measurement of nanomechanical properties of plant cell walls
- almost 20 000 specimen of vascular plants
- DNA fragment analysis and Sanger sequencing
- wildlife forensic analyses and forensic analyses of forest tree species
- measurement of assimilation rate and transpiration rate, evaluation of water use efficiency of plants
- measurement of the efficiency of light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis: screening of stress-resistant genotypes or species
Research infrastructure/service category
- Patents and inventions (list of patents available on: https://kltlm.tuzvo.sk/en/patents)
- CATI sytem for public opinion survey or marketing analysis
- atomic force microscope MultiMode8
- scientyphic botanical herbarium
- genetic analyser ABI PRISM 3130
- gas exchange system Li6400XT
- fluorimeter Handy PEA
- fluorimeter Walz PAM-2500