Type of services provided
- mathematical modeling and simulation
- process optimization
- industrial automation
- process management
- process informatization
- process quality management
- software engineering
- signal measurement and processing
Research infrastructure/service category
- Laboratory furnaces SKP 1200/4, r. 2005
- Analyzer Wohler A97
- Infra Pyrometer CYCLOP 153A
- Modules PLC B&R X20
- PLC automata B&R X20 + Panel PP65
- PLC 2005 – Control Systems
- Compressor SPRINGER 860D + control unit RO 102
- Fen RVI 315-1N3L90 + frequency converter
- Various measurement devices (pressure, flow, temperature, … )
- dSPACE Kit DS1104 PPC
- Armfield PCT40 + PCT41
- Armfield HT10XC + HT11C + HT14C + HT15C
- Armfield PCT51
- Armfield PCT52
- Armfield PCT53
- Spectral analyzer SR760
- Digital scope Tektronix TDS1002 60Mhz
- Analog scope HM2005-2
- Signal generator Metex MXG 9802A