Type of services provided
- research and protection of the abiotic component of the environment in order to understand the
- geodynamic processes influencing the composition, structure and development of the Earth
- search for sources of raw materials, underground and geothermal water
- search for the cause of landslide and proposing its decontamination
- monitoring climate change and designing practices and methods for environmental protection
Research infrastructure/service category
- dating equipment model Risø TL/OSL – DA -20
- seismic apparatus Terralock Mk 8 with 24 channels
- geophones SM-4B with frequency 10Hz
- seismic hammer WSS-100
- ultrasound Material tester 543 with frequences 1 Mz, 100 kHz and 40 kHZ
- seismic equipment VMS 2000MP
- digital 4 channel seismograph UVS 1504
- polarizing microscope Olympus BX-53 with digital camera Lumenera Infinity-5
- polarizing microscopes Jenapol
- polarizing microscopes Amplival
- binoculars
- thinsection maker Logitech CL-50
- RTG derivatograph Chirana – MIKROMETA II