Type of services provided
- plastic commodities, special kompaunds for automotive, electical industrial, tube manufacturing and packaging industry purposes.
Research infrastructure/service category
- KONICA MINOLTA CM2600 colour meter
- STA 6000 DSC-TG
- Zwik and Davenport MFR meters
- Oathaus Navigator N22120
- Huber Ministal CC
- Mettler Toledo SX105DU density meter
- Tinius Olsen HDT
- Tinius Olsen Impact tester
- Tempro Primus C90
- Mettler Toledo HR83
- Spectrum One FTIR
- Ohause PA214C and PA413C
- Memmert UFP400
- Wazau Glow Wire tester
- Rigaku NWC QC + QantEZ
- Olympus SZ61TR
- Instron Ceas Melt flow tester MF20, 5967
- Barreis HPE II
- Labtech LTE-48
- Macbeth Lighting Judge II visual boksz, etc